Resource / Case Study
Treatment Pathway Analysis
A unique visual analytics tool to enable interpretation of treatment choices across lines of therapy
Situation: Our client needed to understand physicians’ prescribing behaviour of their novel oncology product and its competitors. It was important to understand what drivers & barriers to adoption might influence their choice of therapy regimens across each line of therapy, how those choices might be impacted by potential changes in respect to product approvals & other market conditions, as well as to be able to plot the complex pathways from one phase of treatment to the next and beyond.
Solution: A modelling survey was run in several markets where the product was first launched. Physicians were asked to allocate treatment regimens to simulated patients who had a defined range of demographics, diagnoses and underlying medical conditions. This exercise was initially presented under current market conditions, and then repeated in consideration of anticipated future market changes. In addition, supporting questions were asked.
Working with the extensive raw data from the survey we then standardised & organised the data to facilitate the build of multiple visual representations such as linked filtering charts, Sankey Diagrams, and dynamic cross tabulations. The design allowed for extensive filtering across multiple dimensions as well as interactive filtering visual elements to provide drill down and in-depth analysis.
Outcome: The tool has proved highly impactful for brand and market access teams, enabling them to see the resultant proportional market shares at each line of therapy, and how this is impacted by key patient characteristics and external drivers in a dynamic manner, so that they can re-examine the data in respect to new developments. Analysis of not only how a subsequent treatment choice might impact the next, but also retrospective analysis of how treatment choices were preceded was made possible – enabling users to create both forward and backward focused ‘swim-lanes’. Such detailed understanding of physicians’ behaviour and the rationale for their choices has supported positioning strategies for the client product at different stages of the treatment life cycle, as well as the data being used as guidance for a global forecasting initiative. The project has been repeated and is now in its 4th year, with increasing complexity and markets added.
More Info: if you would like to learn more about this, or how we could help you with a similar project please contact us
The dashboard has gone down an absolute storm. We are taking it as an example of excellent visual data and showing it as what we can achieve to our entire UK insight team
What a fantastic tool! That’s the best dashboard I’ve ever seen in this field and will save us a lot of time.
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